Articles in category Python:

Advanced Plotting in Python’s Sympy

When working with Python’s computer algebra package sympy , simple plots can easily be created with basic functions like plot . However, documentation on more advanced plotting is rather skim. …

Nov. 26, 2023

Avoiding Pitfalls in Plotting with Python’s sympy

This is a quick article on simple plotting in Python’s computer algebra system sympy because this is quite convenient in Jupyter notebooks when working with sympy . More complex plotting …

Nov. 19, 2023

How To Create Differentiation Matrices

Suppose we have function 𝑓 given on an equidistant grid

and we want to compute the derivative of that function on the same grid. Last week, I have written some …

Oct. 29, 2023

Polynomial Interpolation Made Easy

The Lagrangian way of doing interpolation

Wow, this is my 100th story! As a topic, I have chosen something about one of my favorite mathematicians… or should I say, physicists? I’m talking about Joseph-Louis Lagrange.

It’s …

Oct. 22, 2023

How to Display Objects in Jupyter in Tabular Layout

Jupyter notebooks are a great tool for exploring ideas and for writing scientific or mathematical documents. But there is one thing that annoyed me all the time: there seemed to …

Oct. 15, 2023