Articles in category mathematics:

Visualizing the Sierpinski Carpet in Python

Fractals are fascinating mathematical objects that have captivated the attention of scientists, mathematicians, and artists alike. One of the most famous fractals is the Sierpinski Carpet, which is a self-similar …

Using Permutations in Sympy

Permutations, the arrangement of objects in a specific order, are a fundamental concept in mathematics and computer science with vast applications in various fields. In principle, they are easy to …

March 19, 2023

A Trigonometry Game for Sunday

I’m an early bird, and my wife is not. So at the weekends, when I get up from bed, I always have some time alone in the morning, and I …

Feb. 26, 2023

Feb. 19, 2023

Efficient Matrix Construction in NumPy

With an application in Chebyshev theory

Today, we will be discussing a crucial aspect of numerical computing — efficient matrix construction in numpy . Matrix operations are the backbone of many scientific and engineering applications and …

Feb. 5, 2023