Articles with tag #SciPy:

Physics Paradox? Falling Tower Outruns Free Fall

Event-Based ODE-Solving in Python.

In today's article, we'll cover a counterintuitive, seemingly paraxodical physical effect, how to use event-triggered termination of ordinary differential equation solving on Python, and all along some practice in Lagrangian …

Sept. 17, 2023

From Points to Polygons and Polyhedra in Python

A Step-by-Step Guide to Understanding Convex Hulls

Recently, I had the problem to find the convex hull of a given set of points. So I to made closer contact with Python's scipy's spatial package. The concept …

Sept. 10, 2023

The Structure of Polytropic Stars with Python

Stars are colossal spheres of hot gas that undergo nuclear fusion in their cores. To understand the properties and behaviors of stars, astronomers and astrophysicists often apply various models to …

Aug. 27, 2023

The Coulomb Problem Solved With Python

In gravitational physics as well as electrodynamics, there is a problem with arises all too often. This is called Coulomb's problem. In simple words, it is this: suppose you have …

Aug. 20, 2023

The Fractal Structure of the Double Compound Pendulum

The double compound pendulum is a fascinating physical system that exhibits chaotic behavior. In a previous article, we solved and animated the double compound pendulum. In this follow-up article, we …