Articles with tag #SymPy:

The Tip of the Cartesian Leaf

Today’s problem is about the Cartesian leaf, named after the great mathematician and philosopher René Descartes. In 1638, Descartes challenged Pierre de Fermat (yes, the one with the famous theorem) …

Dec. 3, 2023

Advanced Plotting in Python’s Sympy

When working with Python’s computer algebra package sympy , simple plots can easily be created with basic functions like plot . However, documentation on more advanced plotting is rather skim. …

Nov. 26, 2023

Avoiding Pitfalls in Plotting with Python’s sympy

This is a quick article on simple plotting in Python’s computer algebra system sympy because this is quite convenient in Jupyter notebooks when working with sympy . More complex plotting …

Nov. 19, 2023

Using Laplace Transforms in Python to Solve Differential Equations

Last time, we played with the Laplace transform and its inverse in Python. Today, we’ll use that knowledge to solve differential equations.

Suppose we have the differential equation

for the …

Nov. 12, 2023

Laplace Transforms in Python

Throughout my student days, I tried my best to avoid using the Laplace transform. What a pity, as it’s such a powerful tool! The reason why I disliked the Laplace …

Nov. 5, 2023