Articles with tag #SymPy:

Don’t Trust Computer Algebra Blindly

With computer algebra systems like Mathematica, Maple, or sympy , it is all too tempting to use some single powerful command to solve a difficult problem. But without necessary care, …

Nov. 20, 2022

The Search For The Cubic Formula

Most of us know the solution formula of the quadratic equation

by heart. But do you know the formula for the cubic equation by heart? No? Nor do I but …

Nov. 13, 2022

The Laplace Equation Solved Analytically With Python

Today’s Problem

Using only Python, solve the 2D Laplace equation

on a semi-infinite rectangular domain

with the boundary conditions


as well as

Solution with Python

The solution uses the …

Nov. 6, 2022

Piecewise Functions in Python’s sympy

In many applications, we are faced with functions that are defined piecewise. For instance, consider the function

sympy offers an easy and intuitive way to work with functions like that: …

Oct. 23, 2022